Friday, November 23, 2012

Halloween Party at School

Kate and Charlie had Halloween parties at their school. It started with a cute Halloween parade where all the kids wore their costumes and walked around the school for all the parents. Then the parites started in their classrooms. I was going up and down the stairs trying to split my time between Charlie's class and Kate's class. I got some great pictures of my kiddos and some of their friends.


Boo at The Zoo and Halloween

Halloween this year was a lot of fun.  We started by choosing our costumes.  Kate decided she and Charlie were going to be pirates.  So, she was Izzy (from Jake and the Neverland Pirates) and Charlie was Jake.  Henry wore a cute pumpkin outfit.  We went to Riverbanks Zoo to meet all the grandparents for Boo at the Zoo.  The kids had a great time walking around the zoo and getting lots of candy and treats. 


We also went Trick or Treating with the Hauck family.  Kate and her friend, Kendall, ran around the neighborhood, while Charlie and I slowly walked from house to house getting candy.


Corn Maze

This fall, we also went to a corn maze.  Me and the kiddos had a great time playing in the corn boxes, riding on the hay ride, and walking in the corn maze.  We didn't get lost in the maze, which was a good thing.  The kids also had fun playing on the the huge sand pile and sliding down the tube. Here are some pictures from our fun day.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

 Every fall, I go and get pumpkins and mums to decorate our front porch.  This year I took the kiddos to a patch and I was hoping to get some cute pictures of them with their pumpkins.  But, they were not interested in taking pictures.  Charlie was having too much fun pulling the wagon and Kate was looking at the flowers.  Henry was just hanging out in his stroller.  I didn't get that one picture of my kiddos together with pumpkins, but I did get some other good ones.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Potty Training With Charlie

So my little man, Charlie, is two and a half which is about the time we started to work with Kate on potty trainging.  Everyone says that boys are harder, and I do agree.  My little man could care less about the potty.  That is until it is bedtime.  He always wants to sit on the potty right before bed.  For the most part, this is just him trying to stall bedtime.  Anyway, for anyone who knows Charlie, he does not stop.  He is always doing something.  So, it is really hard for me to get him to stop playing and go sit on the potty.  I set the timer for every 15 minutes, but he doesn't care.  I offer M&M's but he doesn't care.  Kate even tries to encourage him.  He could care less about the potty.  Then I did have an idea.  I wanted him to at least sit on the potty for a period of time, and maybe he would go.  Charlie loves the iPad and he loves watching Disney Jr. on it.  So, I set up the iPad one day in the bathroom and he sat there on the potty watching Handy Manny.  He still didn't go potty, but I got a really cute picture of him and his sister.  The adventures of potty training still continue, and one day Charlie will use the big boy potty.  Let's hope that happens before Daddy gets home.  I will keep you posted.

Bob the Spider

Meet Bob the Spider.  This spider created a web right outside our garage.  It was in a perfect spot for the kiddos to see it up close.  They liked checking on it every morning before school.  They also looked for it when we got home in the afternoon.  I really am not a fan of spiders, however, I have to admit that it was kinda cool to watch.  Then one morning, after a rain storm, we discovered that Bob was gone.  Kate and Charlie were really sad by this.  Charlie was always the first one to say, "Bob the Spider, Mommy" when we were getting in the car.  Luckily, I think I found Bob or at least a spider that looks a lot like Bob in our neighbors bushes.  So, we still check on "Bob" every morning and afternoon.  The kidds just love looking at this thing, and it does take cool pictures.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photography Fun

I had the opportunity to this weekend to attend a photography workshop.  At this workshop, I learned how to use our Canon Rebel better.  I learned so much about what I can do with this camera.  I am so excited about getting better pictures of my wonderful kiddos.  Here are a few pictures that I have taken since this weekend.  I am still learning how to work with the light, so these pictures are not perfect.   Thank you so much to Ashley Essig at Joyful Images Photography for the wonderful workshop.