Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Funny Events While Adam is Gone

So, I have had some interesting things happen since Adam has been gone.  My mother-in-law tells me that I have to share these stories on the blog.  So here we go.....
Story #1
Growing up, I would help with yard work when I had to.  I knew how to cut the grass on a riding lawn mower and how to use a push mower.   Cutting grass is not something I enjoy, but I will do it.  I would rather plant pretty flowers instead, that is my kind of yard work.  Well, with Adam away, our grass has to get cut.  So, it is up to me to take care of that.  So, I started with the back yard, which I am scared of because of all the bugs, and I saw a snake back there once.  Anyway, we have some trees back there, so I have to clear our all the falling branches first.  Kate was helping with that, until I saw that she was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes (those little bugs love both of us).  After I sent her inside, I began to cut the back yard.  The backyard was not a big deal.  I was excited that I got one yard finished and it wasn't too hard.  I then moved onto the front yard.  As I begin to cut the front yard, I find myself having a really hard time pushing the lawn mower.  Our grass seems to be really thick, I guess Adam did a good job with the fertilizer this spring.  So, I keep pushing and pushing, but I feel like I am getting no where.  This grass is too thick for me.  I was so tired ( and it got dark), that I could not finish the front yard that night.  The next day I go back out to finish it, and I struggled and struggled.  I finally got it cut.  After I was finished I started thinking, I should not have had to struggle so much to cut grass.  I am not that out of shape or weak, why was that so hard?  Later that day, I find out from my husband that our push mower was not self propelled.  NO WONDER I had such a hard time.  I wanted to hurt Adam when I talked to him that day.  Needless to say, I found a company to come an cut our grass for me.  I am going to stick with the kind of yard work I like, planting seasonal flowers in my flower pots. 
Story #2
After being away for the weekend, me and the three kiddos get home and we start doing our normal things.  They watch some TV and play, while I unpack the car and everything else.  As I am unpacking, I am noticing some white spots on the hard wood floors.  I keeping looking around the house and notice more on windows and even in our bathtub.  I look closer and realize that it is poop from something.  So I am thinking, "Great, there is some kind of animal in our house!"  I cleaned the poop up and basically forgot about it.  That is until I hear "Mommy come here, there is a bird in my room."  That's right, my sweet Kate found a dead bird in her room.  Luckily it did not seem to bother her that there was a dead animal in her room.  She even touched! Yuck!  She then washed her hands for a good ten minutes.  So, now what am I going to do with this dead bird.  We are fortunate to have some wonderful neighbors.  They come over and got the bird out of our house for us. I am still wondering how a bird got into our house.  I think it enjoyed flying around the house, because he left markings pretty much everywhere.  Hopefully that is the last time we will have an animal in our house, at least while Adam is gone.

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