Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer Fun Part 2

Another adventure from this summer was our trip to Louisiana. Kate's best friend, Maggie, lives there and her birthday is in August. Being a teacher never allowed me to take Kate to Louisiana to celebrate Maggie's birthday. Well, since I am taking a year off, my mom and I decided to take a road trip to LA. The trip was pretty easy with the three kiddos. Kate and Charlie were entertained with books, coloring, and the DVD player. Henry did pretty well for a four month old. He slept and played with Kate for most of the ride.
Once we were there, the fun began.  Kate and Maggie picked up like they just saw each other yesterday.  The girls had sleepovers every night and played all day.  Charlie also joined in the fun, as he explored all the new toys there were to play with.  And Henry got to explore the house with help from Maggie as he rode in the walker.  Kate even got to see her best friend off to school.  One the morning we left, Maggie started her first day of kindergarten.  Those girls had a blast together. 
We had a wonderful time and we can't wait for the Stevens' Family to come visit us in SC this fall.


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